Thursday, March 31, 2011

A little Late

I'll do better about posting what I did & What I eat starting this month! I promise!  In the mean time, here's a picture of my Dinner. Turkey Hotdogs with corn on the cob & boiled baby carrots. Yum!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First OFFICIAL Entry

Hello everyone! Basically this is my first official video. I introduce myself, with a short background on me & my reasoning on why I've decided to start this journey. I also explain what my intentions are for this blog, the direction that I'd like for it to take, & some things that I will include. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well !! Here is the start to my video blog. I will officially start tomorrow with more of an overview of what this blog will be about & what it will include. I just wanted to get the word out!